Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tumbles and Turns

Having a blog would mean having either a laptop or a desktop convenient. I neither have those. Not on a weekday. I am now struggling in making a list of what to write come weekend as I have committed to write on a weekly basis. Now, I am having a hard time what topic should I put first since from the last time I wrote, there are at least 10 things that I want to share.

Another thing, in blogging it's important that you capture moments. Captured moments = camera. I don't have my own camera (DSLR) yet. So, I'm stuck with my phone's camera (2.0MP) which sucks or remain dependent on friends who bring ultra-hot DSLRs or high-tech camera phones. Solution is simple: buy. Getting the money to buy one? Complicated.

I love to surf. Do I have my own surfboard? Well, I don't. Now that's another thing. But I can still manage to rent.

So these are my roadblocks, what about yours?

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